Warmly welcome the foundation of the revolutionary committee of Zhejiang Province

Relie huanhu Zhejiangsheng geming weiyuanhui chengli
Warmly welcome the foundation of the revolutionary committee of Zhejiang Province
General United Headquarters of the Revolutionary Rebels of Zhejiang Province (浙江省革命造反联合指挥部)
77x53 cm.
BG E15/291

The Mao quote (在需要夺权的那些地方和单位,必须实行革命的“三结合”的方针,建立一个革命的,有代表性的,有无产阶级权威的临时权力机构。这个权力机构的名称,叫革命委员会) reads "In those places and units where power needs to be seized, the revolutionary 'three-in-one' policy must be implemented and a temporary power structure that is revolutionary, representative, and has proletarian authority must be established. The name of this authority is the Revolutionary Committee."

Texts on the various banners read "We must fight against private interests and criticize revisionism", "Long live the Chinese Communist Party", "Long live Chairman Mao".

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