Great teacher, Great leader, Great commander, Great helmsman - Long live chairman Mao

伟大的导师 伟大的领袖 伟大的统帅 伟大的舵手 毛主席万岁
Weidade daoshi, weidade lingxiu, weidade tongshuai, weidade duoshou - Mao zhuxi wansui
Great teacher, Great leader, Great commander, Great helmsman - Long live chairman Mao
1967, February
Tianjin renmin meishu chubanshe (天津人民美术出版社)
76.5x53 cm.

During the first reception of millions of Red Guards on Tiananmen Square on 18 August 1966, Chen Boda first used the slogan of the 'Four Greats', with which he termed Mao as the great teacher, the great leader, the great (or supreme) commander, and the great helmsman.