Qin Yongchun (秦永春)

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qinyongchunQin Yongchun (1936) was born in Yexian, Shandong Province. In 1950, he entered the art class of the Shenyang Municipal Cultural Center, and two years later, he started working in the art service department of the Shenyang Municipal Art Association. He was transferred to the Shenyang Municipal Film Organization in 1953, where he was engaged in propaganda work. He later headed the propaganda department of the Shenyang Municipal Northeast Movie Theatre Company.

Qin specializes in New Year pictures and propaganda painting. The original artwork of his poster 'Busy with a bumper harvest' from 1973 is included in the collection of the China Art Gallery.

Zhongguo meishuguan (ed.), 中国美术年鉴 1949-1989 (Guilin: Guangxi meishu chubanshe, 1993)

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