Wu Zhichang (吳志厂)

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Wu Zhichang (no details known) was active as a painter in the period of the Republic of China. He graduated from the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts in the 1920s, and studied Western painting under the tutelage of Li Chaoshi with excellent grades. Later, he was employed by the British American Tobacco Company, the largest tobacco company in China at that time, and became a famous calendar (月份牌) painter in Shanghai. He painted cigarette advertisements of "Ten Scenes of West Lake" and "Famous Gardens of Beijing" for the Liaoning Fengtian (Shenyang) Sun Tobacco Company's (辽宁奉天(沈阳)太阳烟草公司) "White Horse (白马牌)" and "Soccer Brand (足球牌)" cigarettes. During the Anti-Japanese War, in order to stimulate the people's enthusiasm for the War of Resistance, he collaborated with famous painters such as Hang Rangying, Zhou Baisheng, and Xie Zhiguang.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he was a full-time painter for the Shanghai People's Fine Arts Publishing House.

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