Regulations for staff and workers--Warmly love one's job, study to catch up with the advanced, raise quality, practice efficiency

职工守则 - 热爱本职,学赶先进,提高质量,讲究效率
Zhigong shouze--Re'ai benzhi, xue ganxianjin, tigao zhiliang, jiangjiu xiaolü
Regulations for staff and workers--Warmly love one's job, study to catch up with the advanced, raise quality, practice efficiency
1983, January
Renmin meishu chubanshe (人民美术出版社)
77x53 cm.
BG E13/479

The text on the worker's apron: 国棉总厂 - National Cotton Factory.
On the pennant, top right: 优 - excellent.

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