Organize contingents of the people's militia on a grand scale to let all the people become soldiers -- First propaganda poster to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Chairman Mao's instruction to organize contingents of people's militia on a grand scale

大办民兵师,实行全民些兵 -- 纪年毛主席大办民兵师指示二十周年宣传画之一
Daban minbingshi, shixing quanmin xiebing -- Jinian Mao zhuxi daban minbingshi zhishi ershi zhounian xuanchuanhua zhi yi
Organize contingents of the people's militia on a grand scale to let all the people become soldiers
ca. 1972
North China People's Militia Editorial Section (华北民兵编辑部)
53x77 cm.
BG E15/305

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