Publications by Stefan R. Landsberger

Publications on China, Chinese history, propaganda and posters by Stefan R. Landsberger

Stefan R. Landsberger, "Art and China's Revolution" (book review)
Originally published in: The China Quarterly, 200, December 2009, 1107-1109

Stefan Landsberger, Beijing Garbage – A City Besieged by Waste (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2019)

Stefan R. Landsberger, "But What Did It Look Like?"
Originally published in: PRC History Review 4:2 (2019), 32-35

Stefan R. Landsberger, "China Dreaming. Representing the Perfect Present, Anticipating the Rosy Future"
Originally published in: Valjakka, Minna & Wang, Meiqin (eds.), Visual Arts, Representations and Interventions in Contemporary China: Urbanized Interface (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2018), 147-177. doi: 10.5117/9789462982239/ch05

Stefan R. Landsberger, "The Chinese Art of Propaganda"
Originally published in: Catalogue of Mao and the Arts of New China.Exhibition and Sale of Literature, Ceramics, Stone & Wood Carvings, Posters & Prints, including the Collection of Peter and Susan Wain (London: Bloomsbury Auctions, 2009), 9-11

Stefan R. Landsberger and Marien van der Heijden, Chinese Propaganda Posters (Amsterdam 2009)

Stefan R. Landsberger, The city - where is it?
Essay prepared for the IIAS Workshop Spectacle and the city - Urbanity in popular culture and art in East Asia, 3-4 June 2010

Stefan R. Landsberger, Confessions of a poster collector
Originally published in: 'Reminiscences and Ruminations' - China Information Anniversary Supplement, Summer 1994, 37-41

Stefan R. Landsberger, Contextualising (Propaganda) Posters
Originally published in: Christian Henriot and Wen-hsin Yeh (eds.)Visualising China, 1845-1965. Moving and Still images in Historical Narratives (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2013), 379-405.

Stefan R. Landsberger, "Creating China Visually: Collecting Chinese Propaganda Posters"
Originally published online in: Harvard International Review (, 22 September 2019

Stefan R. Landsberger, "Dreaming the Chinese Dream. How the People’s Republic of China Moved from Revolutionary Goals to Global Ambitions"
Originally published in: International Journal for History, Culture and Modernity 2:3 (2014), 245–274.

Stefan R. Landsberger, "The future visualized: Chinese propaganda art in the modernization era"
Originally published in: China Information 8:4 (1994), 15-41

Stefan R. Landsberger, "Harmony, Olympic Manners and Morals - Chinese Television and the 'New Propaganda' of Public Service Advertising"
Originally published in: European Journal of East Asian Studies 8:2 (2009), 331-355.

Stefan R. Landsberger, 'Ik wil een geweldige Chinees zijn!' De maakbare Chinese mens in tijden van globalisering en sociale media
(Leiden: HOVO, 2012)

Stefan R. Landsberger, "Learning by What Example? Educational Propaganda in Twenty-first-Century China"
Originally published in: Critical Asian Studies 33:4 (2001), 541-571

Stefan R. Landsberger, "Life as it ought to be': propaganda art of the PRC"
Originally published in: IIAS Newsletter n. 48 (2008), 26-27

Stefan R. Landsberger, "Mao as the Kitchen God: Religious Aspects of the Mao Cult During the Cultural Revolution"
Originally published in: China Information XI:2/3 (1996), 196-214

Stefan R. Landsberger, "Mao Posters"
Originally published online in: The Mao Era in Objects (, 2019 

Stefan R. Landsberger, "Nuevos modelos e iconos de la China contemporánea: símbolos de una sociedad de consumo emergente"
Originally published in: Anuario Asia-Pacífico 2008, 443-451

Stefan R. Landsberger, Paint it Red. Fifty years of Chinese Propaganda Posters
Originally published in: Stefan R. Landsberger, Paint it Red (Groningen: Intermed Publishers, 1998), 23-37

Stefan R. Landsberger, Paint it Red. Vijftig jaar Chinese Propagandaposters
Originally published in: Stefan R. Landsberger, Paint it Red (Groningen: Intermed Publishers, 1998), 6-21

Stefan R. Landsberger, "Revolutionärer Kitsch. Das Beispiel China"
Originally published in: Kathrin Ackermann and Christopher F. Laferl (eds.), Kitsch und Nation. Zur kulturellen Modellierung eines polemischen Begriffs (Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2016), 247-270

Stefan R. Landsberger, "La science est une force de production"
Originally published in: Parlement[s], Revue d'histoire politique, 2012/2 n. 18, 85-94

Stefan R. Landsberger, "Scripting Chinese realities – Documentaries for the people"
Originally published in: Chinese Film and Newsreel Scripts from the Cultural Revolution Online, 2016, online at

Stefan Landsberger, "To Read Too Many Books is Harmful" (Mao Zedong). Books in Chinese Propaganda Posters: Objects of Veneration, Subjects of Destruction
(Leiden, 2004)

Stefan R. Landsberger, "To spit or not to spit – Health and Hygiene Communication through Propaganda Posters in the PRC – A Historical Overview
Essay prepared for the Asia Media Research Centre, Communication University of China Workshop Health Communication: Challenge and evolution, 5-6 May 2010, Beijing, China

Stefan R. Landsberger, "Zur Plakatpropaganda der Kulturrevolution"
Originally published in: APuZ - Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte vol 66 n 23 (6 June 2016), 17-21

Audio, video

Stefan Landsberger talks about Chinese propaganda posters
Originally broadcasted by Teleac radio, 25 April 2008, 58:00 min., MP3 audio file, in Dutch

Chinese propagandaposters van Mao uitgelegd door Landsberger
Originally broadcasted by VPRO /Geschiedenis digital channel, 10 October 2005, 24:20 min., streaming, in Dutch

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