Ge Wei (戈韦)

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Ge Wei (1923) is from Xinyang, Henan Province. He graduated from the Arts Department of the Normal University under the Central University in 1949 and was transferred in subsequent years to teach at various institutes in the Nanjing region. He now teaches landscape painting at the Jinling University for Retirees (Nanjing).

In his thirties, Ge specialized in New Year prints, propaganda posters and murals. As he matured, he switched to Chinese traditional painting. Ge has been awarded various prizes for his work.

Chen Lusheng, Xin Zhongguo meishu tushi - 1949-1966 [The Art History of the People's Republic of China - 1949-1966] (Beijing: Zhongguo qingnian chubanshe, 2000) [in Chinese]

Zhongguo meishuguan (ed.), 中国美术年鉴 1949-1989 (Guilin: Guangxi meishu chubanshe, 1993)

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