Qu Guoliang (瞿国梁)

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Qu Guoliang (1936), now known as Qu Guliang (瞿谷量), was born in Jiading, Shanghai. He loved painting since he was a child. He studied painting with Chen Qiucao and laid a solid foundation in Western painting. In 1954, he entered the New China Art Institute (formerly the White Goose Painting Society) and studied painting with Mr. Chen Qiucao. In 1956, he joined the Shanghai People's Fine Arts Publishing House. In 1957, his works were selected for the "Shanghai Youth Art Exhibition", and his watercolor painting "Morning in Shanghai People's Park" (上海人民公园的早晨) won the Encouragement Award.

Qu emigrated to the United States in 1982.

Shanghai scenery (2) (1960, August)
Shanghai scenery (1) (1960, August)

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