Yang Furu (杨馥如)

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Yang FuruYang Furu (1918-1992) was born in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province. He took a design crash course at the Shanghai Bai'e Drawing Academy in 1935 and in the following years designed New Year pictures after work. In 1956, he became a designer of New Year prints by special appointment at the Shanghai People's Fine Arts Publishing House. Since 1949, he has designed more than 180 New Year prints and has received official recognition for his work.

Xu Jizong (许继琮), Nianhua dajia Yang Furu (年画大家杨馥如) (http://www.wxrb.com/wwh/xtxz/xtxz_06_0120.htm, retrieved 25 February 2018)

Zhongguo meishuguan (ed.), 中国美术年鉴 1949-1989 (Guilin: Guangxi meishu chubanshe, 1993)

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