Designer: Tianjin Art Academy (天津艺术学院集体)
Commemorate the tenth anniversary of the good swim great leader Chairman Mao had in the Yangzi River on 16 July
Jinian weida lingxiu Mao zhuxi 'qi.yiliu' changyou Changjiang shi zhounian (纪念伟大领袖毛主席‘七。一六’畅游长江十周年)
Publisher: Tianjin Municipal Swimming Headquarters (天津市游泳指挥部)
Size: 76.5x105 cm.
Call number: BG G2/13 (Landsberger collection)
Commemoration of Mao’s famous swim in the Yangzi river near Wuhan, June 1966. It is a demonstration of his strength, just before he unleashes the Cultural Revolution.