Designer: Shanghai renmin chubanshe propaganda poster group (上海人民出版社宣传画组)
1976, September
Turn grief into strength, carry out Chairman Mao’s behests and carry the proletarian revolutionary cause through to the end
Hua beitong wei liliang jicheng Mao zhuxi yizhi ba wuchan jieji geming shiye jinxing daodi (化悲痛为力量继承毛主席遗志把无产阶级革命事业进行到底)
Publisher: Shanghai renmin chubanshe (上海人民出版社)
Size: 77.5x106 cm.
Call number: PC-1976-l-001 (Private collection)
Mao dies on 9 September, 1976. There is grief and public mourning, but also an extreme sense of insecurity and even relief. Nobody can predict who will come to power now, or which political direction will prevail.