Qin Lingyun (秦岭云)

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qinlingyunQin Lingyun (1914-2008) was born in Ji County (now Weihui City), Henan Province. He spent his childhood in painting workshops, and had a keen interest in traditional plastic art. He entered the Painting Department of the Beiping National Art College in 1934; after the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, he studied at the Yuanling National Art College, Hunan Province.

After the founding of the PRC, he served as the head of the Art Supply Society of the Central Academy of Fine Arts; in 1950, he participated in the editing work of the People's Fine Arts Publishing House of the Publishing Bureau of the Ministry of Culture. He retired in 1974; he was hired as a librarian of the Central Research Institute of Literature and History in February 1987. Qin Lingyun was a member of the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Guomindang,

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