Wu Yunhua (吴云华)

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wuyunhuaWu Yunhua was born in Liaoyang, Liaoning Province, in 1944. He graduated in 1963 as a packaging specialist from the Industrial Arts Department of the Lu Xun Art Academy. Subsequently he was transferred to the Liaoning Provincial Arts Creation Group. In 1978, the Group was reorganized into the Liaoning Provincial Art Academy, where he became a faculty member. From 1985-1987, Wu took a refresher course in the Oil Painting Department of the Central Art Academy.

Wu is an oil painter. Some of his works have been included in the collection of the China Art Gallery.

Zhongguo meishuguan (ed.), 中国美术年鉴 1949-1989 (Guilin: Guangxi meishu chubanshe, 1993)

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