Zhang Zhenshi (张振仕)

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zhangzhenshiZhang Zhenshi (1914-1992) was born in Liaoyang, Liaoning Province. He graduated from the Western Painting Department of the Jinghua Art Academy in 1936. He has been a teacher in the National Beiping Art Training School; editor-in-chief of the journal Art and Life (艺术与生活, Yishu yu shenghuo); professor in the Liaoning Provincial Art Training School and the National Changbai Normal College; and deputy-editor of Chahar Illustrated (察哈尔画报, Chaha'er huabao). His last position was that of professor at the Central Academy for Industrial Art.

Zhang is known for his portraits. From 1950-1957, he was on the team that created the huge oil painting of Mao Zedong hanging from Tiananmen Gate. In 1977, he produced the portrait of Zhou Enlai that can be seen in the Museum of the Chinese Revolution. That same year, he was given the title of advanced worker by the Ministry of Light Industry and the Central Academy for Industrial Art.

David Barboza, "Chameleon Mao, the Face of Tiananmen Square", New York Times, 28 May 2006

Zhongguo meishuguan (ed.), 中国美术年鉴 1949-1989 (Guilin: Guangxi meishu chubanshe, 1993)

Chen Yun (1961, September)

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