Ge Sha (戈沙)

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Ge Sha (1931-2015) was born in Heihe City, Heilongjiang Province. His original name was Sun Qinglin (孙庆林). He was of Sino-Russian mixed race and belonged to the Russian ethnicity. At the age of 17, he walked thousands of miles from Changchun to be an auditor in the Fine Arts Department of the National Art College in Beiping. He received guidance of mentors Wu Zuoren and Ai Zhongxin. In the same year, he went to the liberated areas to join the revolution. In 1949, he received guidance from tutors Hu Yichuan and Luo Gongliu in the Fine Arts Department of North China University. From 1949 to 1951, in addition to the guidance of Luo Gongliu, the head teacher of the art class at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, he also received guidance from tutors such as Jiang Zhaohe and Dong Xiwen. He graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1951. After graduating, he was assigned to the Northwest Pictorial Agency (西北画报社), where he was taught by mentors such as Shi Lu to create art and edit pictorials. In 1953, he was transferred to the Jilin Daily (吉林日报社) and worked there ever since.

He was known for his printmaking, oil paintings, Chinese paintings, and illustrations. He won many national awards and has been collected by art museums at home and abroad. In addition to creating art, he participated in 38 movies and television films such as "Eagle in the Sky" (长空雄鹰), "Snow Country" (雪乡), "Flying Centipede" (飞天蜈蚣), "Wings of Angels" (天使的翅膀), and "Guide" (向导). He also wrote the novel "Happiness Has a Dream" (幸福有梦) and other works.

Removing obstacles (1956, October)

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