Designer: Mo Pu (莫樸)
Ca. 1950
Sending off the People’s Liberation Army to overthrow Taiwan! Carry out the revolutionary war to the end!
Huansong renmin jiefang jun, dadao Taiwan qu! Ba geming zhanzheng jinxing daodi! (欢送人民解放军,打倒台湾去!把革命战争进行到底!)
Publisher: Dazhong meishu chubanshe (大众美术出版社)
Size: 42x55 cm.
Call number: BG D29/878 (IISH collection)
Just after the Civil War ends, some argue that it should be continued with an invasion of Taiwan and the capture of Chiang Kai-shek and his Guomindang allies. Because of the presence of the American fleet and the outbreak of the Korean War, it never comes beyond exercises and threats.