Designer unknown (佚名)
1967, November
Thoroughly criticize the Chinese Khrushchev from a political, ideological and theoretical perspective
Cong zhengzhishang sixiangshang lilunshang chedi pidao pixiu Zhongguode Heluxiaofu (从政治上思想上理论上彻底批倒批臭中国的赫鲁晓夫)
Publisher: Shanghai renmin chubanshe (上海人民出版社)
Size: 53x76 cm.
Call number: BG E3/763 (IISH collection)
Khrushchev is the Soviet party leader who denounced Stalin’s misdeeds in 1955. Eventually he was dismissed and put under house arrest. The ‘Chinese Khrushchev’ is Liu Shaoqi, considered Mao’s designated successor until then.