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Please use implements when cleaning up iron shavings to avoid wounding people
(1953, May)
We all passed the test excellently
(1954, August)
Root out the Hu Feng counter-revolutionary clique exhibition cartoons 7
(1955, July)
Root out the Hu Feng counter-revolutionary clique exhibition cartoons 3
(1955, July)
Sign for your child
(1955, August)
Smash the rightists' furious attacks! Defend socialist construction!
(1957, September)
We are the creators of material wealth, we are also the creators of mankind's civilisation
(1958, December)
Borrow the blue of the sky to write poems, rely on the earth to draw pictures, describe the good points of the general line, draw the good luck of the commune
(1960, April)
A "Five Goods" commune member
(1964, October)
Committing the words of Chairman Mao to memory
(1965, November)
Bombard the headquarters -- My first big-character poster
(mid 1960s)
Hold high the great red flag of Mao Zedong Thought, thoroughly smash the reactionary line of Liu and Deng
Oppose economism! Destroy the new counter-offensive of the capitalist class reactionary line
(1967, January)
Thoroughly criticize the great poisonous weed of "How to be a good communist"
(1967, April)
Long live the victory of Chairman Mao's revolutionary line in art!
(1967, August)
Thoroughly criticize the Chinese Khrushchev from a political, ideological and theoretical perspective
(1967, November)
Be a trailblazer in the fight against selfishness, be a pathbreaker in the criticism of revisionism
(1967, November)
One Hundred Clowns
(ca. 1967)
There is irrefutable evidence that the rotten heads of the United Departments plotted to instigate a "Second Shanghai Riot"! They cannot get away with it!
(ca. 1967)
Be in the vanguard of the fight against selfishness, be a pathbreaker in the combat against revisionism
(1968, January)
The renegade traitor and scab Liu Shaoqi must forever be expelled from the Party!
(1968, November)
Warmly congratulate the 20th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China - Exhibition of art works of workers-peasants-soldiers of Shaanxi Province
(1969, October)
Great guiding principle of naval construction
(1971, January)
The great commander points the way
(1971, July)
Chairman Mao writes an inscription in the Jinsui Border Area
(1972, June)
Study Lu Xun's revolutionary spirit to become a pathbreaker in criticizing Lin Biao and Confucius
(1973, March)
Wage the struggle of criticizing Lin and Confucius to the end
(1974, February)
The criticism of Lin (Biao) and Confucius is a matter of prime importance for the whole party, the whole army and the people of the whole country
(1974, February)
The struggle of criticizing Lin (Biao) and Confucius must be waged to the end
(1974, February)
Relentlessly criticize China's Confucius of today and Lin Biao
(1974, February)
Fight the people's battle of criticizing Lin Biao and Confucius well
(1974, February)
Study Lu Xun's revolutionary spirit, to become a revolutionary vanguard in criticizing Lin Biao and Confucius!
(1974, February)
Just after leaving the line of fire once more entering the battlefield
(1974, April)
Every family has a bank account
(1974, May)
Protect the great results of the Great Cultural Revolution
(1974, July)
A life of combat produces art, the working people are in charge
(1974, July)
Fighting together
(1974, October)
Take over the brush of polemics, struggle to the end
(1975, June)
A red garden
(1975, June)
Protecting the red nation forever
(1975, August)
Reject bourgeois corrosion, never be afflicted with it
(1975, September)
Starting the criticism of "Shuihu"
(1975, September)
Drawing new pictures with a colored brush
(1975, September)
Study the theory of the dictatorship of the proletariat well, consolidate and strengthen the dictatorship of the proletariat
(1975, December)
Wage the struggle against the right-deviationist wind of reversing verdicts to the end!
(1976, March)
Study Marxism-Leninism, criticize revisionism
(1976, March)
Carry on the struggle to the end to strike against the right deviationist wind of reversing verdicts
(1976, April)
Deepen the criticism of Deng Xiaoping, strike against the right deviationist wind of reversing verdicts
(1976, May)
The future of the mountain village
(1976, July)
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