Map of the NGO Forum on Women '95

'95 Feizhengfuzuzhi funü luntan huichang buju tu
Map of the NGO Forum on Women '95
Zhongguo zu wei hui xing cai wei huiyi fuwu bu zhi (中国组委会行财委会议服务部制)
76.5x51.5 cm.
BG E12/796

The United Nations "NGO Forum on Women" was held from 30 August to 8 September 1995, parallel to to the UN’s Fourth World Conference on Women. The conference was held in the center of Beijing, the NGO Forum in the Huairou District (怀柔区), a suburb 56 km. north from the center, and drew around 30.000 participants. The remote location was chosen by the authorities for fear of radical feminist demonstrations and protests.

40.319031, 116.628198