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People's Republic of China - 中华人民共和国
An order given to the Shanghai Municipal Police: Shoot to kill
A Direct Violation of the Principle of Humanity
The premier's funeral ceremony
Members of the revolutionary army, let the nation resist the foe and protect the besieged, advance wave upon wave, to stand up against the enemy troops
(ca. 1937)
We live to struggle for the nation!
(ca. 1937)
This life will not die, this determination will not let up
(ca. 1937)
Millions of people all of one mind vow to exterminate the Japanese enemy
(ca. 1937)
When revolutionary warriors are lightly wounded, they do not flee in disorder, when they are seriously wounded, they are not worried
(ca. 1937)
The army and the people cooperate to defend South China
(ca. 1937)
Discipline is the lifeblood of the army, wounds are the glory of the soldier
(ca. 1937)
The wounded can recuperate peacefully
(ca. 1937)
If there's an enemy, I can't exist, if I'm there, the enemy will be vanquished
(ca. 1937)
Wait till my wounds have healed, then I'll go back to the front
(ca. 1937)
Don't fear death, don't love money, love the nation, love the people
(ca. 1937)
Defeat Japanese imperialism
(ca. 1937)
No compromise, no surrender, fighting to the end, for the ultimate victory
(ca. 1937)
Step up general mobilization, for total militarization
(ca. 1937)
Always and everywhere, strengthen our resistance
(ca. 1937)
As long as the Japanese dwarves have not been vanquished, the struggle will not stop
(ca. 1937)
Swear to defend the nation to the death
(ca. 1937)
Joining the army to protect the nation is the people's duty.
(ca. 1937)
Love the people, help the people
(ca. 1937)
The compatriots in the military region have lost home and hearth, do we begrudge them a little money?
(ca. 1937)
Wounded soldier, you have paid the highest prize for everybody
(ca. 1937)
Everbody must hate the enemy, defenses must be constructed step-by-step, fortifications must be strengthened, the enemy must be exterminated
(ca. 1937)
As the invasion by the Japanese dwarves does not stop for a day - As the war of resistance of my nation does not stop for a day - I pledge to spill my last drop of blood - To protect the last inch of my soil
(ca. 1937)
I will not let my comrades down who have already fallen, I will not let my commanding officers down who have already fallen, I will not let the people of my country down, I will return to the frontline for revenge and to wipe out a humiliation
(ca. 1937)
Maintain an army for a thousand days to use it in a day
(ca. 1937)
The more I fight, the stronger I become
Defeat of Hankou
Dress parade for Generalissimo Jiang
(ca. 1938)
Eradicate Redness
(ca. 1938)
Look! Look! The cruel injustice of the Communist Party
(ca. 1938)
Picture of the Navy, Army and Air Force fighting against the enemy
(ca. 1938)
Air defence elementary knowledge
(ca. 1938)
Great tank battle
(ca. 1938)
Japanese board game, 1939
Support the leader -- Women's Group Training Wall Chart Nr. 3
(ca. 1939)
Develop Dynamiting in the Militia
(ca. 1944 (original), 1970s (this reprint))
Supporting an Army of the People and for the People
(ca. 1944 (original), 1970s (this reprint))
Speed up production, support the front energetically
American Relief Agency - Report on American relief work. 1
American Relief Agency - Report on American relief work. 2
American Relief Agency - Report on American relief work. 3
American Relief Agency - Report on American relief work. 4
American Relief Agency - Report on American relief work. 5
American Relief Agency - Report on American relief work. 6
American Relief Agency - Report on American relief work. 7
American Relief Agency - Report on American relief work. 8
Annihilate ever more of Jiang's bandit army
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