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Capital Gymnasium (one) exterior view
Limitations of and protection against bacterial weapons
What to do when the alarm sounds
Thriving and maturing in the great wide world
In case of a surprise attack with nuclear weapons
In case of a surprise attack with chemical weapons
In case of a surprise attack with bacterial weapons
Investigation - After a surprise attack
Simple methods to detect poisoning
Urgent repairs
Cleaning the people's clothes
Cleaning equipment and materiel
Cleaning streets and buildings
Decontaminating foodstuffs and water
Untitled (last sheet)
Posters showing measures against atomic, chemical and bacterial warfare
Chairman Mao Quotation
Waging revolution depends on Mao Zedong Thought
Never forget class struggle
The whole party must grasp military affairs, the whole people must become soldiers
Appearances of nuclear explosions
Physical and material damage caused by atomic bombs
Limitations of and protection against atom bombs
Important protective measures against radiation
Constructive work for protection
Protective measures for equipment and materiel
Lethal impact of chemical weapons
Limitations of and protection against chemical warfare
Effective measures for collective protection
We are determined to liberate Taiwan!
In industry, learn from Daqing
Prepare individual protective gear well
Discharge methods of and physical harm done by bacterial weapons
Long live Chairman Mao-A gift to the Chinese People's Liberation Army
(1971, January)
Imperialism and all reactionary forces are paper tigers
(1971, January)
Long live the Paris Commune. Commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Paris Commune
(1971, January)
Save every penny to use in the enterprise of war and revolution, to use in our economic construction
(1971, January)
China should make a big contribution to mankind
(1971, January)
Struggling for the glory of the socialist nation
(1971, January)
Spread Mao Zedong Thought all over the nation
(1971, January)
Serve the revolutionary people of the world
(1971, January)
Warmly welcome the victorious convening of the "Fourth National People's Congress"!
(1971, January)
The Red Detachment of Women
(1971, January)
The Red Detachment of Women
(1971, January)
With a red sun in our hearts, we trample the difficulties under our feet
(1971, January)
To go on a thousand 'li' march to temper a red heart
(1971, January)
Chairman Mao's former residence Shaoshan
(1971, January)
Great guiding principle of naval construction
(1971, January)
We will definitely free Taiwan!
(1971, January)
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