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Study comrade Jiao Yulu, the good student of comrade Mao Zedong
(1966, February)
Study comrade Jiao Yulu's example, become a good student of Chairman Mao, be boundlessly loyal to the revolution, spare no effort in the performance of one's duty to the people
(1966, February)
Study Comrade Jiao Yulu – Always protect the basic qualities of the working people – he had as much mud on his body as the poor peasants
(1966, March)
Give yourself completely for the revolution like comrade Jiao Yulu, devote yourself wholeheartedly to the people like comrade Jiao Yulu
(1966, March)
Revolutionaries must pose as heroes in the face of difficulties -- Quote by Jiao Yulu
(1966, March)
Study comrade Mao Zedong's good student -- comrade Jiao Yulu
(1966, March)
Chairman Mao's good student -- Jiao Yulu -- Study how Comrade Jiao Yulu served the people thoroughly and completely
(1966, March)
Study Chairman Mao's good student comrade Jiao Yulu
(1966, May)
Glorious Example - Chairman Mao's good student Jiao Yulu
(Early 1970s)
Mao Zedong Thought gives birth to the New Man
(1971, May)
Excellent sons and daughters of China -- Jiao Yulu
(1990, November)
Fifty Glorious Years 1949-1999
Great changes -- Celebrating the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up
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