Chairman Mao's good student -- Jiao Yulu -- Study how Comrade Jiao Yulu served the people thoroughly and completely

毛主席的好学生 -- 焦裕禄--学习焦裕禄同志完全,彻底的为人民服务
Mao zhuxide hao xuesheng -- Jiao Yulu -- xuexi Jiao Yulu tongzhi wanquan, chedide wei renmin fuwu
Chairman Mao's good student -- Jiao Yulu -- Study how Comrade Jiao Yulu served the people thoroughly and completely
1966, March
Hunan renmin chubanshe (湖南人民出版社)
77x53 cm.
BG E18/9

Jiao Yulu was a model cadre in the 1960s. The person next to him seems to be Chen Yonggui, the leader of the Dazhai production brigade and a model in his own right. This impression is strengthened by the booklet in "Chen's" hand: 愚公移山 (Yu gong Yishan, The foolish old man who moved mountains), the parable with which Dazhai was compared and one of the "Three Constantly Read Articles".