Zhao Guangtao (赵光焘)

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Zhao Guangtao (1927, Qijiang, Sichuan Province) joined the People's Liberation Army in 1949. Later, he was attached to the Art Office of the Political Section of the Nanjing Military Region.

In 1965, Zhao worked with Chen QiHu Jinye and Wang Wentao to produce a six-sheet series devoted to the 'self-sacrifice' that was valued so much at the time by Lin Biao and other leaders. The posters feature titles as 'Charge courageously, the bayonet colors red' and 'Brave and resourceful, be ever victorious'.

Zhao, who specializes in oil painting, received a People's Liberation Army Art prize in 1983 for his impression of the Huai-Hai Battle. He collaborated with Chen Qi, Chen Jian and Wei Chuyu on this painting.

Zhongguo meishuguan (ed.), 中国美术年鉴 1949-1989 (Guilin: Guangxi meishu chubanshe, 1993

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