Recent Updates and Plans for 2010

In the past months we have tried to make bigger and better.

In the themes section, a page with examples of what people are doing with our posters was added. We hope to hear your suggestions for this page! Other recently added theme pages are the Anti-American Boardgame and the May Thirtieth Movement (1925).

The Gallery was enlarged to 200 posters. We added poster publishers and Chinese characters on many pages. And of course a lot of small corrections were made.

In 2010 we will try to continue enlarging and improving the site. A backlog of ca. 850 posters, mainly consisting of the Bajon collection, acquired in 2009, will be catalogued and digitized. Full-size high quality reprints of some of our posters will become available through the IISH's 'Social History Shop'.

In the meantime, we hope you enjoy our work, and we look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions!

Posted 16 February 2010 - Go to News Index

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