We recently were able to acquire a number of posters at an auction. For the collection of the International Institute of Social History, four posters were bought that focus on labour, labour ethics and production technology. They date from 1955 to 1960. The posters have not been catalogued yet; the captions are from the auction catalogue.

Weng Yizhi, Salute to, and learn from the work models (向劳模学习,向劳模看齐), 770 x 530 mm, Shanghai People’s Fine Art Publishing House [Shanghai], 1955.

Wu Zhi, Relaxed work in car production (生产自动,劳动轻松), 770 x 530 mm, Shanghai People’s Fine Art Publishing House [Shanghai], 1960.

Ma Leqiong, Make use of scientific theories to improve productivity (运用科学理论,提高生产水平), 770 x 530 mm, Shanghai People’s Fine Art Publishing House [Shanghai], 1960.

Weng Yizhi, The workshop revolution increases production (车间大革命,操作电钮掀,生产一条龙,面膜日日新), 770 x 530 mm, Shanghai People’s Fine Art Publishing House [Shanghai], 1960.
The next five posters were acquired for the private collection featured on the chineseposters.net pages.

He who harms the people will not easily escape justice!, ca. 1950

Liang Yunqing, Promote the spirit of bag-carrying to serve the people faithfully (发扬“背篓”精神,全心全意为人民服务), 530 x 770 mm, People’s Fine Art Publishing House [Beijing], 1966.

Mao Zedong Thought is the magic weapon to victoriously combat all enemies at home and abroad!, ca. 1967.

Enthusiastically develop the production of reed to safeguard the supply of the raw materials needed to publish the writings of Chairman Mao, ca. 1968

Saviour, 1968
Posted 15 June 2013 - Go to News Index