Develop the "basket on the back spirit", serve the people wholeheartedly

Fayang "beilou jingshen" quan xin quan yi wei renmin fuwu
Develop the "basket on the back spirit", serve the people wholeheartedly
1966, January
Renmin meishu chubanshe (人民美术出版社), Beijing
53.5x77.5 cm.

"Basket Store" (背篓商店) was a distribution store of the Zhoukoudian Supply and Marketing Cooperative in Fangshan County, Beijing, and the only distribution store within the original Huangshandian Commune. Due to the inconvenience of transportation, the staff of this small store carried their bags all year round, buying and selling goods. They were affectionately called "back basket shop" by the masses, and the spirit of supply and marketing cooperative workers who are not afraid of hard work, wholehearted service, and dedication to the people is called the "basket on the back spirit".

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