Earnestly implement the 5.4 regulations for hygiene in food establishments

Renzhen zhixing shipin hangye weisheng wusi zhi
Earnestly implement the 5.4 regulations for hygiene in food establishments
Xiningshi weisheng fangyi zhan (西宁市卫生防疫站)
38x53 cm.
BG D25/451

The "5.4 regulations" deal with five issues, each divided into four topics, that need attention:

1. employees (buyers, cooks, waiters) should see to it that no rotten products are used;

2. food should be separated: cooked from raw; half-products from unused products, etc.;

3. implements should be washed and sterilized;

4. the establisment should be run by fixed standards (employees, prices, furniture, operating hours);

5. personal hygiene of employees (hands, hair, clothing, etc.).

The poster was published by the Xining Municipal Health and Anti-epidemic Station.

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