With class struggle as the key link, set off a new high tide in revolutionary production

Yi jieji douzheng wei gang xianqi geming shengchan xin gaochao
With class struggle as the key link, set off a new high tide in revolutionary production
1976, May
Xinjiang renmin chubanshe (新疆人民出版社), Ürümqi
53.5x76.5 cm.
BG E12/725

A Han-Chinese and an Uyghur textile worker in a factory hall. The book the woman on the right holds is an Uyghur edition of a compilation of articles by Marx, Engels and Lenin on the 'Dictatorship of the Proletariat'. The text on the apron of the woman on the left: Grasp revolution, increase production (抓革命促生产).
The first designer is classified as 'student', the second as 'worker'. Poster published in Xinjiang (新疆).

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