Create a new type of worker capable both in culture and struggle - Intellectualize the working people

Zuo yige nengwen nengwude xinxing laodongzhe - laodong renmin zhishihua
Create a new type of worker capable both in culture and struggle - Intellectualize the working people
1964, December
Shanghai renmin meishu chubanshe (上海人民美术出版社)
53x74.5 cm.
BG E13/887

Studying presented as something to be done between working shifts, with an element of political emancipation and struggle. The worker is studying a book on electrical engineering (电工学 - dian gongxue). He wears a badge the Shanghai Industrial College for Amateur Learners (上海业余工业大学 - Shanghai yeyu gongye daxue).

This is a print from the second edition, February 1965.

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