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Private collection
Posters of a private collector who prefers not to be named.
The premier's funeral ceremony
Joining the army to protect the nation is the people's duty.
(ca. 1937)
Love the people, help the people
(ca. 1937)
The compatriots in the military region have lost home and hearth, do we begrudge them a little money?
(ca. 1937)
Wounded soldier, you have paid the highest prize for everybody
(ca. 1937)
Everbody must hate the enemy, defenses must be constructed step-by-step, fortifications must be strengthened, the enemy must be exterminated
(ca. 1937)
As the invasion by the Japanese dwarves does not stop for a day - As the war of resistance of my nation does not stop for a day - I pledge to spill my last drop of blood - To protect the last inch of my soil
(ca. 1937)
I will not let my comrades down who have already fallen, I will not let my commanding officers down who have already fallen, I will not let the people of my country down, I will return to the frontline for revenge and to wipe out a humiliation
(ca. 1937)
Maintain an army for a thousand days to use it in a day
(ca. 1937)
Members of the revolutionary army, let the nation resist the foe and protect the besieged, advance wave upon wave, to stand up against the enemy troops
(ca. 1937)
We live to struggle for the nation!
(ca. 1937)
This life will not die, this determination will not let up
(ca. 1937)
Millions of people all of one mind vow to exterminate the Japanese enemy
(ca. 1937)
When revolutionary warriors are lightly wounded, they do not flee in disorder, when they are seriously wounded, they are not worried
(ca. 1937)
The more I fight, the stronger I become
Air defence elementary knowledge
(ca. 1938)
Picture of the Navy, Army and Air Force fighting against the enemy
(ca. 1938)
Dress parade for Generalissimo Jiang
(ca. 1938)
Great tank battle
(ca. 1938)
Japanese board game, 1939
Support the leader -- Women's Group Training Wall Chart Nr. 3
(ca. 1939)
Welcoming the People's Liberation Army entering the city
Celebrating the foundation of the People's Republic of China
Sino-Soviet friendship
Settling accounts
Public trial of evil tyrant
The people's armed forces, defenders of peace!
Great tank battle
(ca. 1949)
Storming the heavily fortified positions at Siping
(ca. 1949)
The Chairman leads the building of the new China
Celebrate the founding of the Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions - All workers of Shanghai, unite
(1950, January)
Special issue to celebrate the founding of the Shanghai Trade Union
(1950, February)
Marriage registration
(1950, December)
Workers visit West Lake
(early 1950s)
The Sino-Soviet Alliance for Friendship and Mutual Assistance promotes enduring world peace
(ca. 1950)
The People's Liberation Army, liberation of Hainan Island
Enemy aircraft shot down in the sky over Shanghai
Welcome to the World Democratic Youth delegation
Sports performance
He who harms the people will not easily escape justice!
(ca. 1950)
The witch undergoes a transformation
All Chinese nationalities unite at Chairman Mao's side
The justified noose awaits them!
Salute the family members of active servicemen
Young students! Enthusiastically participate in military cadre schools to strengthen national defense construction, ...
(1951, January)
The people's militia has rifle practice to protect home and nation
(1951, February)
Oppose America, Support Korea, to protect home and nation!
(1951, February)
Let the imperialists tremble in front of the peoples of the world!
(1951, May)
Long live the victory of the Korean People's Army and the Chinese People's Volunteer Army!
(1951, May)
Resolutely ban reactionary secret societies
(1951, June)
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