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blast furnace
We will protect the honor of the red flag!
(1953, April)
Resolutely accomplish the great tasks of 1953
(1953, April)
Sending more steel to the frontline of national construction
(1953, December)
The Shanghai workers support the construction of the whole nation
(1953, December)
Concentrate the major force in developing heavy industry,
(1954, January)
We devote our greatest strength for socialism!
(1954, April)
For socialism, for a good life, everybody must buy government bonds!
(1956, February)
Female ironsmelting trainee
(1956, March)
Great friendship, fraternal feelings!
(1957, October)
The industry of the motherland develops by leaps and bounds and frightens England so that it trembles with fear
(1958, July)
Fight to produce 10.7 million tons of steel this year!
(1958, September)
The flowers of the cultural revolution blossom everywhere
(1958, October)
Cheer for overfulfilling the quota of 10.700.000 tons of steel
(1958, December)
Prosperity brought by the dragon and the phoenix
(1959, February)
Beat the battledrum, in 1960 we will continue the Great Leap Forward!
(1960, January)
Perform miracles, seize the top spot, welcome a red month of May!
(1960, April)
Go all out to set another new record of high production and excellence!
(1960, September)
Steel is blooming in the flower of the Leap Forward
(1960, October)
Grasp revolution, increase production, relentlessly strike at imperialism, revisionism and reactionaries!
(1969, January)
Win honor for our great leader Chairman Mao, bring credit to our socialist motherland
(1970, July)
Chairman Mao inspects the Shanghai Steelworks
(1970, October)
The Chinese people have high aspirations
(1970, December)
High standards, strict demands, not the least negligent -- meticulous design, meticulous construction, to let Chairman Mao be satisfied
(1970, December)
The golden flowers of molten iron shine in Taihang
(1973, September)
Deepen the criticism of Lin and Confucius, energetically increase industrial production
(1975, March)
Molten steel colors 'half the sky' red
(1975, July)
Develop industry, take steel as the key link
(1976, January)
In front of the furnace
(1976, July)
We must earnestly study the writings of Chairman Mao to deepen the criticism of the counterrevolutionary revisionist line of the "Gang of Four"
(1977, March)
Red hearts always turn towards Chairman Hua. Chairman Hua Guofeng inspected Angang in 1975
(1977, September)
Glorious prospects while shouldering heavy responsibilities - Premier Zhou encourages us to work out innovations
(1978, September)
Chairman Hua's heart and ours beat as one
(1978, November)
Showing loving care
(1979, June)
Adopt scientific management methods
Product energy consumption is high
Effects of energy saving are good
Adjust the industrial structure
Develop energy-saving technologies
The power grid must be properly dispatched
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