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Don't fear death, don't love money, love the nation, love the people
(ca. 1937)
As the invasion by the Japanese dwarves does not stop for a day - As the war of resistance of my nation does not stop for a day - I pledge to spill my last drop of blood - To protect the last inch of my soil
(ca. 1937)
The Chinese people absolutely cannot tolerate the invasion of other countries, and cannot allow Imperialists to wantonly invade its own neighbours without acting
(ca. 1950)
The People's Liberation Army, liberation of Hainan Island
The justified noose awaits them!
Let the imperialists tremble in front of the peoples of the world!
(1951, May)
We must give the warmongers an even more serious beating to teach them a lesson
(1951, July)
Defend our hometowns! Defend our motherland!
(1951, July)
The world's reactionary and degenerate headquarters, the United States, is a rotten imperialist country
(ca. 1951)
The Chinese people will never forget the blood debt of American imperialism
(ca. 1951)
Everybody must take precautions against epidemics to smash the germ warfare of American imperialism!
Protect children, resolutely smash the germ warfare of American imperialism!
(1952, July)
American germ warfare criminals will not escape the righteous punishment of the people of the world!
(1952, July)
The American imperialists conduct brutal biological warfare in the Korean War and our north eastern territories
(ca. 1952)
Root out the Hu Feng counter-revolutionary clique exhibition cartoons 20
(1955, July)
Root out the Hu Feng counter-revolutionary clique exhibition cartoons 6
(1955, July)
Root out the Hu Feng counter-revolutionary clique exhibition cartoons 16
(1955, July)
Industry and national defense
(1956, February)
Chase away the American ambitious wolf
(1960, May)
American imperialism is the most fiendish enemy of world peace!
(1960, June)
Proletarians of the world, unite to oppose our common enemy!
(1963, February)
Awakened peoples, you will certainly attain the ultimate victory!
(1963, September)
American imperialism is encircled ring upon ring by the people of the world
(1965, August)
Annihilate the enemies in the tiger's lair
(1965, December)
Thoroughly smash the new counterattack by the capitalist reactionary line!
(ca. 1967)
Discharge methods of and physical harm done by bacterial weapons
Bombing techniques of enemy aircrafts
(ca. 1971)
Common usages of ordinary bombs
(ca. 1971)
Methods of extinguishing fire bombs
(ca. 1971)
What to do when you discover an unexploded bomb
(ca. 1971)
The old militia member tells stories from the War of Resistance
(1973, July)
General knowledge about three types of attack educational wall charts
(1983, June)
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