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Eradicate Redness
(ca. 1938)
May 1 Parade
(1958, January)
Oppose aggression protect the great force of peace
(1958, August)
People of the world, unite! Down with U.S. imperialism!
(1960, May)
Support the solemn and just stand of the Soviet government opposing the American imperialist crime of aggression!
(1960, May)
Resolutely support the just struggle of the American blacks!
(1963, September)
Oppose American imperialist encroachment, smash the "Korea-Japan Basic Treaty"
(1965, July)
Resolutely support the American people in their resistance against American imperialist aggression in Vietnam
(1966, April)
Pledge to death to defend red political power
Patriotic compatriots of Hong Kong and Kowloon mobilize, resolutely fight back the British imperialist provocation!
(1967, June)
Long live the victory of Chairman Mao's revolutionary line
(1967, September)
Tempering red hearts in the vast world
(1970, March)
People of the world love Chairman Mao
People of the world love Chairman Mao
The evil system of colonialism and imperialism arose and throve with the enslavement of n*****s ...
(ca. 1970)
L'exécrable système colonialiste et impérialiste dont la prospérité a débuté avec l'asservissement et la traite des noirs ...
(ca. 1970)
The whole party must grasp military affairs, the whole people must become soldiers
The Foolish Old Man who moves mountains changes China
(1971, February)
Turn philosophy into a sharp weapon in the hands of the masses
(1971, February)
The International will be realized! Commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Paris Commune
(1971, March)
Advance courageously along the glorious road of Chairman Mao's "May 7 Directive"
(1971, May)
Proletarians of the world, unite!
(1971, December)
The country demands independence, the nationalities demand liberation, the people demand revolution
(1973, September)
Enthusiastically celebrate the victorious convening of the ninth meeting of national representatives of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions
(1975, June)
Revolutionary Committees are good
(1976, June)
A new student
(1976, June)
The Red Army on the march
(1976, July)
The whole nation joins in jubilation to celebrate victory
(1976, December)
Ferreting out the "Gang of Four" to the satisfaction of the people, be merciless with bad people even if they're down and continue to advance on the enemy
(1977, September)
The reputation of revolutionary heroes will last for posterity, all people have the greatest respect for the families of army men
(1983, August)
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