The International Institute of Social History (IISH, or in Dutch: Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis - IISG) was founded in 1935. It is one of the world's largest documentary and research institutions in the field of social history in general and the history of the labor movement in particular. It is established in Amsterdam.

The IISH holds over 3,000 archival collections, some 1 million printed volumes and about as many audio-visual items. The collections can be accessed through the IISH search portal - The IISH is also home to the colelctions of a number of other documentary institutions, most notably the Netherlands Economic History Archive (NEHA) and the Press Museum/NIBG Perscollectie. Both offer supplementary collections and services. General information on the IISH's collections from and on Asia and China can be found at

Some IISH collections and web resources related to China:

Collection Chinese People's Movement, Spring 1989

In collaboration with the Sinological Institute in Leiden, the IISH has collected pamphlets, wall-posters, photographs, newspapers, video and audio recordings, objects, and other material, during and briefly after the 1989 protest movement that centered in Beijing, but spreaded to other big cities in the country. The collection also holds some documents concerning Chinese social movements and student demonstrations in the 1980s.
- Inventory Collection Chinese People's Movement
- Tiananmen Square protests, 1989 (Chronicle, illustrated by pamphlets, posters, textiles, and photos)

Henk Sneevliet Papers

The Dutchman Henk Sneevliet (1883-1942) was the Komintern's agent in China around 1921. He was involved in the founding of the Communist Party of China, and advised on its cooperation with the Guomindang. Among his papers are many important documents on Chinese communism in its early years. In China Sneevliet used the pseudonym Maring - 马林 (Ma Lin).
- Inventory Henk Sneevliet Papers (Dutch text).
- Henk Sneevliet, Mind and Heart for Revolutionary Socialism in Europe and Asia (Documents, pictures, chronology)

Chung Hwa Hui Archives

The Chung Hwa Hui ('Chineezen-Vereeniging in Nederland', or: Association of Chinese in the Netherlands') was founded in 1911. It started as an association for Chinese students, mainly coming from Indonesia (at that time a Dutch colony).
- Inventory Chung Hwa Hui Archives (Dutch text)

Gerrit de Vries Papers

The Dutch communist Gerrit de Vries visited China in the winter of 1956-1957 with a delegation of the Dutch Communist Party (CPN). His travel diaries, letters, photographs, and even the winter coat given to him in China, are part of this archive.
- Inventory Gerrit de Vries Papers (Dutch text)

Stichting PEKAM Archives

The Stichting PEKAM ('Stichting Vriendschap Peking-Amsterdam', or: Friendship Association Peking-Amsterdam) was founded in 1986 to promote friendly relations between Amsterdam and Beijing. It operated from an orthodox communist point of view. After the 1989 events it became a national organization, as the existing national association for friendhip between the Netherlands and China was too critical of the regime, according to Stichting PEKAM.
- Inventory Stichting PEKAM Archives (Dutch text)

Chinatown Amsterdam, 1972

A collection of photographs by Ab Koers from 1972, when Amsterdam's Chinatown was a run-down area.
- Chinatown Amsterdam, 1972 (Photographs)
- The Chinese of Amsterdam (Text on the history of Chinese migration to Amsterdam)

Chinese Migrants in the Netherlands

Photographs from the private collections and photo albums of Chinese migrants in the Netherlands, part of the Historical Image Archive on Migrants ('Historisch Beeldarchief Migranten').
- Chinese Migrants in the Netherlands (Photographs, Dutch text)

A Dozen Little Red Books

Twelve 'Little Red Books', including variants such as Ghadaffi's 'Green Book', and parodies. Of Mao's original, editions from 1964 and 1966 are included.
- A Dozen Little Red Books

Hong Kong and Chinese Trotskyism Collection

A collection of documents, manuscripts, correspondence and publications mostly related to the Hong Kong Trotskyist movement, with a small part representing Trotskyism in the PRC (1920-2017).

Hong Kong Protest Movement 2019-2020 Collection

Small collection of ephemera from the protest movements in Hong Kong, starting summer 2019.

The Academy Library

The Academy Library contains the library collections of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences that were collected during the nineteenth century. The library contains many rare and precious books on travel and foreign countries. Included are two of the most important works on China from the seventeenth century: Johan Nieuhof, Het Gezantschap der Neêrlandtsche Oost-Indische Compagnie, aan den grooten Tartarischen Cham, den tegenwoordigen Keizer van China (Amsterdam 1665); and Athanasius Kircher, China monumentis qua sacris quà profanis (Amsterdam 1667). The first is a report of the travels in China of a delegation from the Dutch East Indies Company, trying to obtain trading privileges. The second is an encyclopedia, inventorizing everything known about China in the West at that time - including many myths and fantasies. Both books were lavishly illustrated.
- The Academy Library

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