The full Mao quote is as follows: "Chairman Mao's latest instructions. Unite to win still greater victories. When we talk about victory, we must ensure that under the leadership of the proletariat, we will unite the broad masses of the people throughout the country to win victory. Unite for one goal, which is to consolidate the dictatorship of the proletariat, and implement it in every factory, village, institution, and school." (毛主席最新指示: 团结起来,争取更大的胜利。我们讲胜利,就要保证在无产阶级领导之下,团结全国广大人民群众,去争取胜利。团结起来,为了一个目标,就是巩固无产阶级专政,要落实到每个工厂,农村,机关,学校。)
The text in the row of lanterns reads "Celebrate Chairman Mao's Longevity" (庆祝毛主席万寿无疆).