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Mao quotation
Mao Slogans
Advance along the course as charted by the General Line
(1954, January)
The counter-revolutionary and restorationist crimes of Catholicism after Liberation
(mid 1960s)
Learning from comrade Lei Feng
(1963, October)
Study the spirit of Lei Feng wholeheartedly, be diligent and conscientious in serving the people!
(1964, November)
Revolutionaries must pose as heroes in the face of difficulties -- Quote by Jiao Yulu
(1966, March)
Don’t forget thriftiness in times of abundance, increase production and be frugal, everybody must be frugal with grain to support the development of the nation
(1966, May)
Fire prevention
Fire prevention
Fire prevention
Fire prevention
Fire prevention
Fire prevention
Warmly welcome the foundation of the revolutionary committee of Zhejiang Province
Quotation from Chairman Mao: All men must die, but death can vary in its significance. ...
(1967, January)
It is now the spring plowing season […]
(1967, March)
Quotation of Chairman Mao: We are not only good in destroying the old world, we are also adept at creating a new one
(1967, March)
[Our purpose is] to ensure that literature and art fit well into the whole revolutionary machine...
(1967, March)
Resolutely smash the number one person in authority in the Party taking the capitalist road - Liu Shaoqi
(1967, April)
Culture must serve workers, peasants and soldiers, must serve proletarian politics!
(1967, May)
Quotation from Chairman Mao
(1967, May)
Patriotic compatriots of Hong Kong and Kowloon mobilize, resolutely fight back the British imperialist provocation!
(1967, June)
Down with Li Fanwu!
(1967, July)
Down with Li Fanwu!
(1967, July)
Political power comes from the barrel of a gun
(1967, August)
All men must die, but death can vary in its significance.
(1967, September)
Be a trailblazer in the fight against selfishness, be a pathbreaker in the criticism of revisionism
(1967, November)
The Vietnamese people resist the American aggressor
(ca. 1967)
The Vietnamese people resist the American aggressor
(ca. 1967)
The Vietnamese people resist the American aggressor
(ca. 1967)
The Vietnamese people resist the American aggressor
(ca. 1967)
The Vietnamese people resist the American aggressor
(ca. 1967)
The Vietnamese people resist the American aggressor
(ca. 1967)
The Vietnamese people resist the American aggressor
(ca. 1967)
The Vietnamese people resist the American aggressor
(ca. 1967)
The Vietnamese people resist the American aggressor
(ca. 1967)
Thoroughly smash the new counterattack by the capitalist reactionary line!
(ca. 1967)
The Vietnamese people resist the American aggressor
(ca. 1967)
The Vietnamese people resist the American aggressor
(ca. 1967)
The Vietnamese people resist the American aggressor
(ca. 1967)
Quotation from Chairman Mao: This streamlined administration must be strict, thorough and general, rather than perfunctory, painless and local....
Quotation from Chairman Mao: We must still run colleges
Quotations from Chairman Mao
(1968, January)
Quotations from Chairman Mao
(1968, January)
Quotation from Chairman Mao: All the people of the world must unite...
(1968, February)
Chen Yonggui
(1968, March)
Warmly welcome the founding of the Hunan Provincial Revolutionary Committee – 10 April 1968
(1968, April)
People of the world unite, defeat the American invaders and every servile follower!
(1968, April)
Revolutionary committees are good
(1968, April)
The world is yours, as well as ours, but in the last analysis, it is yours
(1968, August)
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