Oppose economism! Destroy the new counter-offensive of the capitalist class reactionary line

反对经济主义! 粉碎资产阶级反动路线的新反扑
Fandui jingjizhuyi! Fensui zichan jieji fangdong luxiande xin fanpu
Oppose economism: destroy the new counter-offensive of the capitalist class reactionary line
1967, January
Shanghai renmin chubanshe (上海人民出版社)
53x77 cm.
BG E12/610

'Economism' is one of the tendencies combatted in the early phase of the Cultural Revolution. 'Economism' simply means that economical factors have priority over political and ideological factors, an idea opposed by Mao and his supporters.
Text on the armband: 造反队 (Rebel team, Zaofan dui).
Text on the paper the man is tearing: 经济主义 福利主义 (Economism Welfarism - Jingji zhuyi Fuli zhuyi).