清洁 是现代化企业进行正常工作的最起码条件 Qingjie shi xiandaihua qiye jinxing zhengchang gongzuode zui qima tiaojian Designer Propaganda Office of the Ministry of Health of the Central People's Government (中央人民政府卫生部宣传处) Date ca. 1953 Publisher Zhongyang weisheng bu weisheng xuanjiao qicai zhizao suo (中央卫生部卫生宣教器材制造所) Size 54x76.5 cm. Call nr. BG E12/707 Collection IISH collection Notes The title is a quote from Georgy Malenkov, who became premier of the Soviet Union after the death of Stalin in March 1953.The chart on the left shows a red arrow 生产率 (productivity) going up and a dark arrow 缺勤率 (abscence rate) going down. Theme Early Industrialization (1950-1955) Working Women Link to IISH catalog https://search.iisg.amsterdam/Record/1045403