Cleanliness is the minimal requirement for a modern enterprise to function properly

清洁 是现代化企业进行正常工作的最起码条件
Qingjie shi xiandaihua qiye jinxing zhengchang gongzuode zui qima tiaojian
Cleanliness is the minimal requirement for a modern enterprise to function properly
ca. 1953
Zhongyang weisheng bu weisheng xuanjiao qicai zhizao suo (中央卫生部卫生宣教器材制造所)
54x76.5 cm.
BG E12/707

The title is a quote from Georgy Malenkov, who became premier of the Soviet Union after the death of Stalin in March 1953.
The chart on the left shows a red arrow 生产率 (productivity) going up and a dark arrow 缺勤率 (abscence rate) going down.