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The people's post and telecommunications office
(ca. 1953)
Participate in insurance for unexpected injuries for construction workers - Strengthen the inspection of safety and hygiene, give full play to labor enthusiasm
Mutual help in plowing has brought in more food, the livelihood of the army dependents has grown stronger
(1953, January)
Paying the soldier's family a New Year's call
(1953, January)
Go to new construction sites, to gain even greater victories for the construction of our nation!
(1953, January)
Marxism Leninism - The radiance of Mao Zedong Thought illuminates New China
(1953, February)
A happy marriage
(1953, February)
In marriage, keep an eye on your own interests, and return radiant after registration
(1953, February)
A free and independent marriage is good, there is great happiness in unified production
(1953, February)
Freedom of marriage, happiness and good luck
(1953, February)
Chairman Mao's projection team has arrived!
(1953, February)
Produce more, kill more enemies
(1953, March)
Chairman Mao leads us to build our great motherland
(1953, March)
Wait until machinery has come to a complete stop before repairing line shafts, moreover use a secure ladder
(1953, May)
Honor elders, cherish the young, in harmony and unity
(1953, March)
The New China has given women the opportunity of serving the nation boundlessly and liberally!
(1953, March)
Enthusiastically join insurance, protect the security of property, safeguard the implementation of the common agreement, improve the exchange of goods between city and countryside
(1953, March)
Resolutely accomplish the great tasks of 1953
(1953, April)
We will protect the honor of the red flag!
(1953, April)
Study the advanced production experience of the Soviet Union, struggle for the industrialization of our country
(1953, April)
Belt pullies close to the ground must be protected with railings
(1953, May)
Axles located in thoroughfares must have a safety bridge
(1953, May)
Low-placed axles must have a protective cover
(1953, May)
Sturdy safety covers must be placed around belt pullies
(1953, May)
Gears on top of machinery must be covered
(1953, May)
Please use implements when cleaning up iron shavings to avoid wounding people
(1953, May)
Use a protective cover when grinding wheels
(1953, May)
Responsible for the mother country, guarantee up-to-standard quality!
(1953, May)
Chairman Mao and Commander-in-chief Zhu
(1953, May)
Elect good people to take good care of things
(1953, May)
Another victory
(1953, May)
Chairman Mao and Commander-in-chief Zhu
(1953, June)
The peasant family is busy, working hard to cultivate
(1953, June)
Celebrate the opening of the Chengdu-Chongqing Railway
(1953, June)
(1953, June)
The recovery and construction of the economy of New China
(1953, June)
The uncle from the Volunteer Army protects our happy lives
(1953, June)
Study the Soviet Union's advanced economy to build up our nation
(1953, June)
Inspect frequently, guarantee production safety!
(1953, June)
Go take part in the elections!
(1953, July)
We have the right to vote and to be elected
(1953, July)
Study the battle spirit of the Red Army during the Long March, conquer nature, build up our nation
(1953, August)
Participate in the elections to build up a great motherland!
(1953, August)
Glorious most beloved person
(1953, September)
The Soviet Union is our example
(1953, October)
Create advanced production methods to increase production
(1953, October)
Glorious meeting
(1953, November)
The test is successful
(1953, November)
Attending a spring fair
(1953, November)
The new factory performs successfully
(1953, November)
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