Modern revolutionary ballet. The White-haired Girl

Geming xiandai wuju. Baimao nü
Modern revolutionary ballet. The White-haired girl
1972, January
Shanghai renmin chubanshe (上海人民出版社)
53x77 cm.
BG E14/991

A scene from the revolutionary ballet The White-haired Girl. The text below right:

Valiant and heroic
Red tassels fluttter, silvery light sparkles, early dawn shines, they look valiant and heroic. In order to defend the red regime, the militiawomen from Yanggezhuang are full of fighting spirit and practice diligently their skills to kill the enemy.
红缨飞舞,银光闪闪,曙光初照,英姿飒爽。为了保卫红 色政权,杨各庄女民兵斗志昂扬,苦练杀敌本领。

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