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Model Works
Model Operas (Yangbanxi)
Study comrade Jiang Qing, pay respect to comrade Jiang Qing
(1967, June)
Learn from the valiant standard-bearer of the Great Cultural Revolution, comrade Jiang Qing, and pay her respect!
(ca. 1967)
Mao Zedong Thought illuminates the theatre stage
Advance victoriously while following Chairman Mao's revolutionary line in literature and the arts
(ca. 1968)
Long live the victory of Chairman Mao's revolutionary line in art!
(ca. 1968)
The invincible Mao Zedong Thought illuminates the stage of revolutionary art!
(1969, March)
The invincible Mao Zedong Thought illuminates the stage of revolutionary art!
(1969, May)
Modern Revolutionary Peking Opera "Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy". Chinese People's Liberation Army reconnaissance platoon leader Yang Zirong
(1970, November)
Modern Revolutionary Peking Opera "Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy". Defeating the tiger to climb the mountain
(1970, December)
Do your job well, cherish world revolution -- study the revolutionary modern Beijing opera "On the docks"
(1970, December)
Always remember class hatred, wage revolution for ever -- study the revolutionary modern ballet "The White-haired girl"
(1970, December)
Pledge to struggle to liberate all mankind -- study the revolutionary modern ballet "Red Detachment of Women"
(1970, December)
Always heed the Party's summons -- study Yang Zirong in the revolutionary modern Beijing opera "Taking Tiger Mountain by strategy"
(1970, December)
The Red Detachment of Women
(1971, January)
The Red Detachment of Women
(1971, January)
Study heroes and show action. No worldly affair can daunt a communist
(1971, May)
Pledge to liberate all mankind
(1971, May)
The great image of proletarian advanced warriors inspires us to move forward
(1971, November)
Modern revolutionary ballet. The White-haired Girl
(1972, January)
Advance victoriously while following Chairman Mao's proletarian line in literature and the arts
(1972, May)
Study revolutionary plays to become a revolutionary
(1972, June)
Ode to Longjiang
(1973, January)
Ode to Longjiang
(1973, January)
Modern revolutionary ballet -- The White-haired girl
(1973, March)
New women
(Mid 1970s)
New women
(Mid 1970s)
Study heroes and show action. The power of the people's war is strong
(1974, September)
Study heroes and show action. People change thoughts, the earth changes looks
(1974, October)
Even children love to study heroes
(1975, April)
Occupy the cultural front using new socialist thinking
(1975, May)
The Four News -- studying new plays; giving new needles; raising new shoots; welcoming new spring
(1975, August)
Unite to prevent floods by water control
(1975, August)
The more you listen and the more you sing, the more your heart becomes red
(1975, October)
Evening party to celebrate a bumper harvest
(1975, October)
The present will surpass the past on the cultural front!
(1976, March)
Revolutionary model operas are good
(1976, April)
The New Socialist Things are fine
(1976, May)
Long live the victory of the great proletarian cultural revolution
(1976, May)
Beat back the right deviationist wind of reversing verdicts, develop the new socialist things
(1976, June)
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