Sisters-in-law choosing pens

Gusao xuan bi
Sisters-in-law choosing pens
1964, September
Shanghai renmin meishu chubanshe (上海人民美术出版社)
77x53 cm.
BG E16/56

Two women - sisters-in-law - at a market stall, looking at the fountain pens for sale. The red booklet with yellow characters is a work manual (工作手冊).
The impressum states that this image is based on Dong Qingsheng's Chinese painting "Sisters-in-law selecting fine pens together" (董庆生, 姑嫂共选玲瓏笔). We have not been able to find that painting.
This is a print from the fourteenth edition (July 1966), bringing the total number of copies printed to 2,816,500 !

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