It's glorious to join the army to defend the socialist country, it's glorious to build the socialist nation after demobilization

Guangrong canjun baowei shehui zhuyi jiangshan, guangrong fuyuan jianshe shehui zhuyi zuguo
It's glorious to join the army to defend the socialist country, it's glorious to build the socialist nation after demobilization
1978, October
Hubei renmin chubanshe (湖北人民出版社)
53x77 cm.
BG E18/129

A protective doorposter (menshen, 门神) for both sides of the door. The left-hand panel shows a young peasant joining the army, being sent off by parents, family members, members of the village. The right-hand panels shows a demobilized soldier returning to and being welcomed in his village in what looks like Inner Mongolia.

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