Save every penny to use in the enterprise of war and revolution, to use in our economic construction

Jiesheng mei yige tongban wei zhuo zhanzheng he geming shiye, wei zhuo womende jingji jianshe
Save every penny to use in the enterprise of war and revolution, to use in our economic construction
1971, January
Jiangsu renmin chubanshe (江苏人民出版社)
53x77 cm.
BG E18/42

A worker sorts through debris looking for (re-) usable pieces of copper. Iron waste is written on the box to the left of the worker.

The Mao quotation in the back reads "For our country to become prosperous and strong, will take decades of hard work. During this period, we must adhere to the policy of hard work and thrift and oppose waste" (要是我国富强起来,需要几十年艰苦奋斗的时间,其中保活执行厉行节约,反对浪费这样一个勤俭建国的方针). 

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