Textbook of Political Economy

Zhengzhi jingjixue jiaokeshu
Textbook of Political Economy
ca. 1955
Xinhua shudian (新华书店)
77x53 cm.
BG E18/54

The Textbook of Political Economy (政治经济学教科书) was edited by the Institute of Economics of the Soviet Academy of Sciences and published in 1955 by Renmin chubanshe.

The text reads "Marxist political economy is an urgently important part of Marxist theory and a powerful ideological weapon for the working class and all working people to strive for liberation from capitalist oppression. It is of paramount importance to the working class and its vanguard, the Communist Party, who are fighting against capitalism and striving for the victory of communism. It arms the working class and working people with knowledge of the laws of social and economic development, enabling them to see the future clearly and be convinced of the final victory of communism, scientifically foresee the process of economic development and use economic laws to fight for communism. This textbook was written by a group of well-known Soviet economic scientists who had long-term economic preparations. It introduces the foundation of the science of Marxist political economics and provides the most basic knowledge for future in-depth study of Marxist-Leninist classics. It is a must-read for not only young students, but also cadres working in our party and state who are building socialism." (马克思主义政治经济学是马克思主义理论的亟重要的组成部分,是工人阶级和全体劳动人民争取从资本主义压迫下解放出来的强大思想武器。它对为反对资本主义,争取共产主义胜利而斗争的工人阶级及其先锋队共产党具有头等重要的意义。它用社会经济发展规律的知识武装工人阶级和劳动群众,使他们看清前途和确信共产主义的最终胜利,科学的预见经济发展的进程和利用经济规律来为共产主义而斗争。

The lines at the bottom indicate that the book was published by Renmin chubanshe and distributed by Xinhua shudian. This is an advertising poster from Xinhua Shudian, the distributor, for the release, probably from 1955.

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