Protecting or suppressing the great masses of the people, that is a fundamental difference between the Communist Party and the Nationalist Party, the fundamental difference between the proletarian classes and the capitalist classes, ...

Dui guangda renmin qunzhong baohu haishi zhenya, shi Gongchandang tong Guomindangde genbende qubie, shi wuchan jieji tong zichan jiejide genben qubie, shi wuchan jieji zhuanzheng tong zichan jieji zhuanzhengde genben qubie.
Protecting or suppressing the great masses of the people, that is a fundamental difference between the Communist Party and the Nationalist Party, the fundamental difference between the proletarian classes and the capitalist classes, the fundamental difference between the dictatorschip of the proletariat and the dictatorship of the capitalists.
1968, October
Guizhou renmin chubanshe (贵州人民出版社)
78x54 cm.
BG E37/202

the quote continues " ...the fundamental difference between the dictatorschip of the proletariat and the dictatorship of the capitalists." (对广大人民群众是保护还是镇压,是共产党同国民党的根本区别,是无产阶级同资产阶级的根本区别,是无产阶级专政同资产阶级专政的根本区别。)

The small banner beneath the photograph reads "Celebrate Chairman Mao's Longevity" (庆祝毛主席万寿无疆).