Knowledge is strength - Strive to make sure that within twelve years our nation's most needy scientific institutions can reach the world's advanced levels

知识就是力量 - 争取在十二年内使我国最急需的科学部门能够接近世界先进水平
Zhishi jiushi liliang - Zhengqu zai shi'er nian nei shi women zui jixude kexue bumen nenggou jiejin shijie xianjin shuiping
Knowledge is strength - Strive to make sure that within twelve years our nation's most needy scientific institutions can reach the world's advanced levels
1956, July
Shanghai renmin meishu chubanshe (上海人民美术出版社)
77.5x53 cm.

The book title: 和平利用原子能 - Peaceful use of atomic energy.
This is a print from the third edition (February 1957).

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