Exterminate the four pests!

Chu sihai!
Exterminate the four pests!
1958, January
Shanghai renmin meishu chubanshe (上海人民美术出版社)
75x49 cm.

The text beneath the main slogan:
From 1956 onwards, mice, sparrows, flies, and mosquitoes should absolutely be eliminated in all possible places within 12 years. Killing sparrows serves to protect crops. Sparrows in cities and forest areas do not necessarily have to be eliminated.
(從一九五六年起,在十二年内,在一切可能的 地方,基本上消滅老鼠,麻雀,蒼蠅和蚊子. 打麻雀是為了保擭莊稼,在城市裏和林區的麻 雀,可以不要消滅.)
This is a print from the second edition (February 1958).

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